职 称: 助理研究员
邮 编: 510650
专家类别: 中级
电子邮件: weilp@scbg.ac.cn
通讯地址: 广州市天河区兴科路723号





2018年至今,      中国科学院华南植物园,助理研究员 




1.  Liping Wei*, Nelson Thiffault, Martin Barrette, Nicole J Fenton, Yves Bergeron. Can understory functional traits predict post-harvest forest productivity in boreal ecosystems? Forest Ecology and Management, 2021, 495:119375.

2. Liping Wei, Frédéric Gosselin, Xingquan Rao, Yongbiao Lin, Jun Wang, Shuguang Jian*, Hai Ren. Overstory and niche attributes drive understory biomass production in three types of subtropical plantations. Forest Ecology and Management, 2021, 482: 118894.

3. Liping Wei*, Frédéric Archaux, Florian Hulin, Isabelle Bilger, Frédéric Gosselin. Stand attributes or soil micro-environment exert greater influence than management type on understory plant diversity in even-aged oak high forests. Forest Ecology and Management, 2020, 460: 117897.

4. Liping Wei*, Nicole J. Fenton, Benoit Lafleur, Yves Bergeron. The combined role of retention pattern and post-harvest site preparation in regulating plant functional diversity: A case study in boreal forest ecosystems. Forests, 2019, 10: 1006.

5. Liping Wei*, Florian Hulin, Richard Chevalier, Frédéric Archaux, Frédéric Gosselin. Is plant diversity on tractor trails more influenced by disturbance than by soil characteristics? Forest Ecology and Management, 2016, 379: 173-184.

6. Liping Wei*, Anne Villemey, Florian Hulin, Isabelle Bilger, Dumas Yann, Richard Chevalier, Frédéric Archaux, Frédéric Gosselin. Plant diversity on skid trails in oak high forests: A matter of disturbance, micro-environmental conditions or forest age? Forest Ecology and Management, 2015, 338: 20-31.

7. Liping Wei*, Richard Chevalier, Frédéric Archaux, and Frédéric Gosselin. Influence of stand attributes and skid trail area on stand-scale ground flora diversity. Canadian Journal of Forest Research, 2015, 45:1816-1826.

8. Yongjun Wei, Shan Jiang*, Lingmin Tian, Liping Wei*, Jie Jin, Juan Severino Pino Ibánhez, Yan Chang, Ying Wu. Benthic microbial biogeography along the continental shelf shaped by substrates from the Changjiang River plume. Acta Oceanologica Sinica, 2021, 41:1-13

9. 魏丽萍, 王孝安*, 王世雄, 朱志红, 郭华, 孙嘉男, 郝江勃, 黄土高原马栏林区基于不同植被组织尺度的群落物种多样性, 植物生态学报, 2011, 35: 17-26

10. 魏丽萍, 王孝安*, 郭华, 黄土高原柴松群落的植物物种多样性, 生态学杂志, 2009,29: 840-846

 1. 国家自然科学基金青年科学基金项目, 南亚热带人工林不同恢复模式下的植物群落构建和生态系统功能研究, 2019-012021-12,  主持

2. 国家自然科学基金, 国际(地区)合作与交流项目, 林下植物对气候变化和氮沉降的响应及其与森林小气候的关系研究, 2020-092022-02, 主持

3. 广州市科技计划项目, 2060206, 林冠及林下氮添加对常绿阔叶林林下植物功能多样性的影响及机理,  2021-042023-03, 主持

4. 加拿大MITACS基金, IT07536, Silviculture based on plan functional traits in boreal forests2016-062017-06,主持

5. 加拿大MITACS基金, IT09139, Partial cutting in mixed and coniferous boreal forest: Assessment of its impact on undergrowth communities, successional dynamics and the tree growth environment, 2017-062018-12, 主持子课题