职 称: 副研究员
邮 编: 510650
专家类别: 副高级
电子邮件: liuhx@scbg.ac.cn
通讯地址: 广州市天河区兴科路723号






2021/1-  中国科学院华南植物园,副研究员 

1)  Liu Hongxiao, Ren Hai., Remme, R. P, Nong Huifu, Sui Chunhua. The effect of urban nature exposure on mental health—a case study of Guangzhou. Journal of Cleaner Production, 2021, 304, 127100.

2)  Liu Hongxiao, Roy P. Remme, Perrine Hamel, Nong Huifu, Ren Hai. Supply and demand assessment of urban recreation service and its implication for greenspace planning-A case study on Guangzhou. Landscape and Urban Planning, 2020, 203,103898.

3)  Liu Hongxiao, Hu Yinhong, Li Feng, Yuan Lingxiong. Associations of multiple ecosystem services and disservices of urban park ecological infrastructure and the linkages with socioeconomic factors. Journal of Cleaner Production, 2018, 174, 868-879.

4)  Liu Hongxiao, Han Baolong, Wang Lan. Modeling the spatial relationship between urban ecological resources and the economy. Journal of Cleaner Production, 2018, 173, 207-216.

5)  Liu Hongxiao, Li Feng, Li Juanyong, Zhang Yuyang. The relationships between urban parks, residents' physical activity, and mental health benefits: A case study from Beijing, China. Journal of Environmental Management, 2017, 190, 223-230.

6)  Liu Hongxiao, Li Feng, Xu Lianfang, Han Baolong. The impact of socio-demographic, environmental, and individual factors on urban park visitation in Beijing, China. Journal of Cleaner Production, 2017, 163, S181-S188.

7)  Liu Hongxiao, Ren H, Hui D, et al. Carbon stocks and potential carbon storage in the mangrove forests of China. Journal of Environmental Management, 2014, 133: 86-93.

8)  Feng Li, Hongxiao Liu, Donald Huisingh, Yutao Wang, Rusong Wang. Shifting to healthier cities with improved urban ecological infrastructure: From the perspectives of planning, implementation, governance and engineering. Journal of Cleaner Production, 2017, 163: S1-S11.

9)  Lu Hongfang, Xu Fengying, Liu Hongxiao, Wang Jun, Daniel E.Campbell, Ren Hai. Emergy-based analysis of the energy security of China. Energy, 2019, 181,123-135.

10)  Ren Hai, Qin Haining, Ouyang Zhiyun, Wen Xiangying,  Jin Xiaohua, Liu Hong, Hongfang Lu, Hongxiao Liu, Zhou Ju, Zeng Yan, Paul Smith, Peter W. Jacksong, Joachim Gratzfeldd, Suzanne Sharrock, Haigen Xu, Zhixiang Zhang , Qinfeng Guo, Weibang Sun, Jinshuang Ma, Yonghong Hu, Qianmei Zhang, Lina Zhao. Progress of implementation on the Global Strategy for Plant Conservation in (2011–2020) China. Biological Conservation, 2019, 230:169-178.

11)  Han, Baolong, Liu Hongxiao,and Rusong Wang. Urban ecological security assessment for cities in the Beijing–Tianjin–Hebei metropolitan region based on fuzzy and entropy methods. Ecological Modelling 318 (2015): 217-225.

Conservation and reintroduction of rare and endangered plants in China, 副主编

 城市生态系统文化服务供需评价及耦合格局特征研究-以广州市为例, 国家自然科学基金青年项目, 主持;


