职 称: 研究员
邮 编: 510650
专家类别: 正高级
电子邮件: renhai@scbg.ac.cn
通讯地址: 广州市天河区兴科路723号

任海,男,197010月生,博士、研究员、博士生导师。现任华南植物园主任。曾赴美国和荷兰学习或合作研究。主要从事植被生态恢复研究,发现了南亚热带典型人工林下乡土树种定居限制机理及利用护理植物的解除对策,利用生物技术和生态恢复技术集成方法实现了报春苣苔等36种珍稀濒危植物野外种群的生态恢复。现或曾主持国家十四五和十三五重点研发计划重点项目、中国科学院战略先导A项目和国家自然科学基金面上项目等项目10余项。出版有《恢复生态学导论》(科学出版社 200120082019)、《Conservation and Reintroduction of Rare and Endangered Plants in China》(德国Springer, 2020》、《Plantations: biodiversity, carbon sequestration, and restoration》(美国Nova Science Publisher Inc. 2013)等专著3本,发表论文200余篇(其中SCI论文150余篇),授权发明专利12项(已全部转让)。担任Journal of Biodiversity and Endangered Species和生态学报等8个学报编委。已培养毕业博士生12名、硕士生16名。曾获中国科学院科技进步奖一等奖和广东省自然科学/科技进步一等奖等成果6项,曾获中国科学院院长奖学金(1995)、广东省第六届五四青年奖章(2004)、第十一届中国青年科技奖(2009)等荣誉6次。




(1) 任海主编.中国履行《全球植物保护战略(2011-2020)》进展报告(中英文).科学出版社,2021.

(2) 任海, 简曙光, 张全发主编.吉布提常见植物(中英文).科学出版社,2021.

(3) Hai Ren ed. Conservation and Reintroduction of Rare and Endangered Plants in China. Springer, 2020. Singapore

(4) 任海主编. 热带海岛及海岸带植被景观. 中国林业出版社,2020.

(5) 任海、刘庆、李凌浩、刘占锋. 恢复生态学导论(第三版). 科学出版社,2019.

(6) 任海、段子渊. 科学植物园建设的理论与实践(第二版). 科学出版社,2017.

(7) 任海、张倩媚、王瑞江. 广东珍稀濒危植物园的保护与研究. 中国林业出版出, 2016.

(8) Hai Ren ed. Plantations: biodiversity, carbon sequestration, and restoration. Nova Science Publishers, Inc. 2013. New York.

(9) 任海、刘庆、李凌浩. 恢复生态学导论(第二版). 科学出版社,2008.

(10) 任海. 科学植物园建设的理论与实践. 科学出版社, 2006.

(11)  任海、彭少麟. 恢复生态学导论. 科学出版社,2001.

(12) Hualin Xu, Ke Liu, Tianzhu Ning, Gu Hunag, Qianmei Zhang, Yuelin Li, Mengqi Wang, Yiming Fan, Weili An, Lingbo Ji, Qinfeng Guo & Hai Ren* Environmental remediation promotes the restoration of biodiversity in the Shenzhen Bay Estuary, South China. Ecosystem Health and Sustainability, 2022, 8: 2026250.

(13) Hongxiao Liu, Huifu Nong, Hai Ren*, Ke Liu. The effect of nature exposure, nature connectedness on mental well-being and ill-being in a general Chinese population. Landscape and Urban Planning, 2022, 222: 104397.

(14) Pecundo, M. H., Chang, A., Chen, T., Cruz, T., Ren, H*, Li, N*. Full-length 16s rrna and its gene sequencing revealed rich microbial flora in roots of cycas spp. in china. Evolutionary Bioinformatics Online, 2021, 17, 117693432198971.

(15) Hongxiao Liu, Perrine Hamel*, L′ea Tardieu, Roy P. Remme, Baolong Han, Hai Ren. A geospatial model of nature-based recreation for urban planning: Case study of Paris, France. Land Use Policy, 2022, 117: 106107

(16) Hai Ren, Faguo Wang, Wen Ye, Qianmei Zhang, Taotao Han, Yao Huang, Guowei Chu, Dafeng Hui, Qinfeng Guo. Bryophyte diversity is related to vascular plant diversity and microhabitat under disturbance in karst caves. Ecological Indicators, 2021, 120: 106947

(17) Yao Huang, Hai Ren*, Jun Wang, Nan Liu, Shuguang Jian, Hongyue Cai, Dafeng Hui, Qinfeng Guo. Effects of Wollastonia biflora expansion on the soil seed bank in native forest communities on a tropical coral island. Global Ecology and Conservation, 2021, 25: e01403

(18) Liping Wei, Fr′ed′eric Gosselin, Xingquan Rao, Yongbiao Lin, Jun Wang, Shuguang Jian*, Hai Ren. Overstory and niche attributes drive understory biomass production in three types of subtropical plantations. Forest Ecology and Management, 2021, 482: 118894

(19) Hai Ren, Yiming Fan, Zeyuan Zou, Dafeng Hui, Qinfeng Guo, Yao Huang. Long-term structural and functional changes in Acacia mangium plantations in subtropical China. Landscape and Ecological Engineering, 2021, 17:11-19

(20) Long Yang, Yuhui Huang, Lucas Vieira Lima, Zhongyu Sun, Meijie Liu, Jun Wang, Nan Liu, Hai Ren*. Rethinking the Ecosystem Functions of Dicranopteris, a Widespread Genus of Ferns. Frontiers in Plant Science, 2021, 11: 581513.

(21) Dafeng Hui*, Xitian Yang, Qi Deng, Qiang Liu, Xu Wang, Huai Yang, Hai Ren*. Soil C:N:P stoichiometry in tropical forests on Hainan Island of China:Spatial and vertical variations. Catena, 2021, 201: 105228.

(22) Ouyang KT, Ren H*, Xu ZH, Wang FG, Liu SZ, Zhang QM, Hu MF, Zhang YJ, Liu ZJ, Quo QF. Habitat characteristics and population structure of Dipteris chinensis, a relict plant in China. Applied Ecology and Environmental Research, 2021, 19(3): 1939-1951.

(23) Yuping Xiong, Shuangyan Chen, Zhenpeng Wei, Xincheng Yu, Jinhui Pang, Ting Zhang, Kunlin Wu, Hai Ren, Shuguang Jian, Jaime A. Teixeira da Silva*,Guohua Ma*. In vitro flowering and fruiting in Portulaca pilosa L. South African Journal of Botany, 2021, 140: 1-3

(24) Zhanhui Xu, Hai Ren*, Xiao Wei, Kangting Ouyang, Dongxing Li, Yili Guo, Shujun Wen, Jifeng Long, Jun Wang, Dafeng Hui. Distribution and conservation status of Camellia longzhouensis (Theaceae), a critically endangered plant species endemic to southern China. Global Ecology and Conservation, 2021, 27: e01585.

(25) Chen Wang, Shuguang Jian, Hai Ren, Junhua Yan and Nan Liu*. A Web-Based Software Platform for Restoration-Oriented Species Selection Based on Plant Functional Traits. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution, 2021, 9: 570454

(26) Meina Wang, Suzhen Li, Lijun Chen, Jian Li, Liqiang Li, Wenhui Rao, HongLiu, Jianbin Chen*, Hai Ren*. Conservation and reintroduction of the rare and endangered orchid Paphiopedilum armeniacum, Ecosystem Health and Sustainability, 7: 1903817.

(27) Hongxiao Liu, Hai Ren, Roy P. Remme, Huifu Nong*, Chunhua Sui. The effect of urban nature exposure on mental health: a case study of Guangzhou. Journal of Cleaner Production, 2021, 304: 127100.

(28) Melissa H. Pecundo, Thomas Edison E. dela Cruz, Tao Chen, Kin Israel Notarte, Hai Ren and Nan Li#. Diversity, phylogeny and antagonistic activity of fungal endophytes associated with endemic species of Cycas (Cycadales) in China. Journal of Fungi, 2021, 7(7): 572.

(29) Manlian Wang, Liujing Huang, Huiling Liang, Xiangying Wen, Hong Liu, Hai Ren*, Hui Tang*. Conservation introduction of Illicium difengpi, an endangered medicinal plant in southern China is feasible. Global Ecology and Conservation, 2021, 30: e01756

(30) Wang Jun, Lu Hongfang*, Lin Yongbiao, Campbell Daniel E., Cai Hongyue, Ren Hai*. Dynamics of community structure and bio-thermodynamic health of soil organisms following subtropical forest succession. Journal of Environmental Management, 2021, 280: 111647.

(31) Jun Wang, Dafeng Hui, Hai Ren, Nan Liu, Zhongyu Sun, Long Yang, Hongfang Lu. Short-term canopy and understory nitrogen addition differ in their effects on seedlings of dominant woody species in a subtropical evergreen broadleaved forest. Global Ecology and Conservation, 2021, 31: e01855.

(32) Wang, C., Liu, H., Zhu, L., Ren, H., Yan,J., Li, Z., & Zhang, H. Which traits are necessary toquickly select suitable plant species for ecological restoration? Ecological Solutions and Evidence, 2021, 2: e12102.

(33) Wang, J, Huang, Y., Guo, Q., Yang, L., Lu, H.*, Ren, H. Influence of Simulated Nitrogen Deposition on the Soil Seed Bank of a Subtropical Evergreen Broadleaved Forest. Forests, 2021, 12: 1538.

(34) Melissa H. Pecundo, Fangfang Cai, Aimee Caye G. Chang, Hai Ren, Nan Li, Renhui Li & Tao Chen. Polyphasic approach identifies two new species of Desmonostoc (Nostocales, Cyanobacteria) in the coralloid roots of Cycas fairylakea (Cycadales). Phycologia, 2021, 60(6): 653-668.

(35) Yang Tian, Libin Tao, Jun Wang, Hongfang Lu*, Lixia Zhou, Daniel E. Campbell, Hai Ren*. Canopy and understory nitrogen additions did not significantly change the community structure of soil fauna under a mature subtropical forest. Science of the Total Environment, 2020, 718: 137438 

(36) Chen S, Xiong Y, Yu X, Pang JH, Zhang T, Yu XC, Wu KL, Ren Hai, Jian SG, Jaime A. Teixeira da Silva, Xiong YH, Zeng SJ, Ma GH*. Adventitious shoot organogenesis from leaf explants of Portulaca pilosa L. Scientific Reports, 2020, 10: 3675.

(37) Hanzhi Liang, Yuping Xiong, Beiyi Guo, Haifeng Yan, Shuguang Jian, Hai Ren, Songjun Zeng, Kunlin Wu, Jaime A. Teixeira da Silva, Youhua Xiong, Guohua Ma. Effective breaking of dormancy of Scaevola sericea seeds with seawater, improved germination, and reliable viability testing with 2,3,5-triphenyl-tetrazolium chloride. South African Journal of Botany, 2020, 132: 73-78.

(38) Taotao Han, Hai Ren, Jun Wang, Hongfang Lu, Guangman Song, Robin L.Chazdond. Variations of leaf eco-physiological traits in relation to environmental factors during forest succession. Ecological Indicators, 2020, 117: 106511

(39) Zhang, S, Belien, E, Ren, H, Rossi, S, Huang, J.-G. Wood anatomy of boreal species in a warming world: A review. iForest, 2020, 13(2): 130-138.

(40) Shaokang Zhang, Valentina Buttò, Siddhartha Khare, Annie Deslauriers, Hubert Morin, Jian-Guo Huang, Hai Ren & Sergio Rossi. Calibrating PhenoCam Data with Phenological Observations of a Black Spruce Stand. Canadian Journal of Remote Sensing, 2020, 46(2): 154-165

(41)  Shaokang Zhang, Evelyn Belien, Hai Ren, Sergio Rossi, Jian-Guo Huang. Wood anatomy of boreal species in a warming world: a review.iForest - Biogeosciences and Forestry, 2020, 13(2): 130-138.

(42) Yao Huang, Hai Ren, Jun Wang, Nan Liu, Shuguang Jian, Hongyue Cai, Dafeng Hui, Qinfeng Guo. Relationships between vegetation and soil seed banks along a center-to-edge gradient on a tropical coral island. Ecological Indicators, 2020, 117: 106689.

(43) Hanzhi Liang, Yuping Xiong, Beiyi Guo, Haifeng Yan, Shuguang Jian, Hai Ren, Xinhua Zhang, Yuan Li, Songjun Zeng, Kunlin Wu, Feng Zheng, Jaime A. Teixeira da Silva, Youhua Xiong, Guohua Ma. Shoot organogenesis and somatic embryogenesis from leaf and root explants of Scaevola sericea. Scientific Reports, 2020, 10:11343

(44) Daoping Yu, Xiangying Wen, Cehong Li, Tieye Xiong, Qixin Peng, Xiaojie Li, Kongping Xie, Hong Liu, Hai Ren. Integrated conservation for Parakmeria omeiensis (Magnoliaceae), a Critically Endangered plant species endemic to south-west China. Oryx, 2020, 54(4): 460-465.

(45) Hongxiao Liu, Roy P. Remme, Perrine Hamel, Huifu Nong, Hai Ren*. Supply and demand assessment of urban recreation service and its implication for greenspace planning-A case study on Guangzhou. Landscape and Urban Planning, 2020, 203:103898

(46) Taotao Han, Hai Ren*, Dafeng Hui, Jun Wang, Hongfang Lu, Zhanfeng Liu. Light availability, soil phosphorus and different nitrogen forms negatively affect the functional diversity of subtropical forests. Global Ecology and Conservation, 2020, 24: e01334

(47) Hai Ren*, Haining Qin, Zhiyun Ouyang, Xiangying Wen, Xiaohua Jin, Hong Liu, Hongfang Lu, Hongxiao Liu, Ju Zhou, Yan Zeng, Paul Smith, Peter W. Jackson, Joachim Gratzfeld, Suzanne Sharrock, Haigen Xu, Zhixiang Zhang, Qinfeng Guo, Weibang Sun, Jinshuang Ma, Yonghong Hu, Qianmei Zhang, Lina Zhao. Progress of implementation on the Global Strategy for Plant Conservation in (2011–2020) China. Biological Conservation, 2019, 230:169-178

(48) Sangsang Fan, Xiuzhi Chen, Hai Ren*, Wenjun Shen, Rongbo Xiao, Qianmei Zhang, Zhifeng Wu, Yongxian Su. Landscape structure and network characteristics of the greenway system in Guangzhou City, South China. Landscape and Ecological Engineering, 2019, 15:25-35

(49) H. REN*, H.L. YI, Q.M. ZHANG, J. WANG, X.Y. WEN, Q.F. GUO, H. LIU. Morphological, anatomical and physiological traits of Euryodendron excelsum as affected by conservation translocation (augmentation vs. conservation introduction) in South China. Photosynthetica, 2019, 57(1): 217-225

(50) Shuguang Jian*, Hai Ren*. The complete chloroplast genome sequence of Pemphis acidula (Lythraceae). Mitochondrial DNA Part B: Resources, 2019, 4(1): 912-913

(51) Taotao Han, Jun Wang, Hai Ren*, Huilin Yi, Qianmei Zhang, Qinfeng Guo. Changes in defense traits of young leaves in subtropical forests succession. Plant Ecology, 2019, 220: 305-320

(52) Taotao Han, Hongfang Lu, Hai Ren*, Jun Wang, Guangman Song, Dafeng Hui, Qinfeng Guo, Shidan Zhu. Are reproductive traits of dominant species associated with specific resource allocation strategies during forest succession in southern China? Ecological Indicators, 2019, 102: 538-546

(53) Hongfang Lu, FengYing Xu, Hongxiao Liu, Jun Wang, Daniel E. Campbell, Hai Ren*. Emergy-based analysis of the energy security of China. Energy, 2019, 181: 123-135.

(54) Guangman Song, Jun Wang, Taotao Han, Quan Wang, Hai Ren*, Huoxing Zhu, Xiangying Wen, Dafeng Hui. Changes in plant functional traits and their relationships with environmental factors along an urban-rural gradient in Guangzhou, China. Ecological Indicators, 2019, 106: 105558.

(55) Wang, J., Hui, D., Lu, H., Wang, F., Liu, N., Sun, Z., Ren, H*. Main andinteractive effects of increased precipitation and nitrogen addition on growth, morphology, and nutritionof Cinnamomum burmanni seedlings in a tropical forest, Global Ecology and Conservation, 2019, 20: e00734.

(56) S. Yuan , N. Liu, H. Ren, H. Zhang, J. Wang. Do pioneer species enhance early performance of native species in subtropical shrublands? An examination involving six native species in South China. Community Ecology 2019, 20(1): 53-63.

(57) Yuping Xiong, Haifeng Yan, Hanzhi Liang, Yueya Zhang, Beiyi Guo, Meiyun Niu, Shuguang Jian, Hai Ren, Xinhua Zhang, Yuan Li, Songjun Zeng, Kunlin Wu, Feng Zheng, Jaime A. Teixeira da Silva and Guohua Ma*. RNA-Seq analysis of Clerodendrum inerme (L.) roots in response to salt stress. BMC Genomics, 2019, 20:724

(58) Xiaoying Luo, Qianmei Zhang*, Hai Ren*, Guohua Ma and Hong Liu. Dormancy and germination of Firmiana danxiaensis, an endangered tree endemic to South China. Seed Science and Technology, 2019, 47(3): 343-349.

(59) Hanzhi Liang, Yuping Xiong, Beiyi Guo, Haifeng Yan, Shuguang Jian, Hai Ren, Xinhua Zhang, Yuan Li, Songjun Zeng, Kunlin Wu, Feng Zheng, Jaime A. Teixeira da Silva*, Youhua Xiong*, Guohua Ma*. In vitro regeneration and propagation from fasciated stems of Vitex rotundifolia. Environmental and Experimental Biology, 2019, 17: 169–177. 

(1) 国家基金面上项目“南亚热带退化草坡生态恢复过程中的保育植物及其保育机理”(编号40871249)。2009-2011。

(2) 国家重点基础研究发展计划“主要陆地生态系统服务功能与生态安全”(编号:2009CB421101)之课题“森林生态系统服务功能形成机理”之子课题。2009-2013。

(3) 国家基金面上项目“南亚热带典型人工林林下乡土树种的定居限制研究”(编号30670370)。2007-2009。

(4) 国家基金面上项目“南亚热带退化草坡生态恢复过程中的保育植物及其保育机理”(编号40871249)。2009-2011。科技部支撑计划“城市生态规划与生态修复的关键技术研究与示范”项目之课题“城区生态修复技术集成研究及应用示范”(编号:2007BAC28B04)。2007-2010。

(5) 国家基金面上项目南亚热带森林生态系统演替/恢复过程中的生态记忆(编号31170493)。2012-2015