职 称: 研究员
邮 编: 510650
专家类别: 正高级
电子邮件: wangfm@scbg.ac.cn
通讯地址: 广州市天河区兴科路723号
2001-2005:山东大学 海洋学院 生物科学 理学学士
2005-2010:中国科学院大学 华南植物园 生态学 理学博士
2009-2010:纽约州立大学 生态学 联合培养博士
2010-2015:华南植物园 助理研究员
2015-2018:华南植物园 副研究员
2015-2018:芝加哥大学海洋生物实验室(Maine Biological Lab)博士后
2019-2020:华南植物园 陈焕镛研究员
2020-至今:华南植物园 研究员
以海岸带森林和滨海湿地为主要对象,开展了碳循环过程与环境变化研究,主要成果:1.系统刻画了华南沿海退化土地生态恢复和演替过程中植被和土壤碳库变化特征;2.揭示了磷对热带森林碳循环过程的限制及其微生物机制,发现了热带森林植物维持稳定光合固碳功能的磷分配机制,刷新了对热带森林磷限制的认识;3.阐明了滨海湿地蓝碳功能对气候变化的负反馈机制,预测了其固碳潜力。已发表第一作者和通讯作者SCI论文24篇(含National Science Review, Nature Communications等),累计影响因子120;受邀担任Funct Ecol,Ecol Evol和J Plant Ecol以及应用生态学报的副主编和编委,主持和完成国家自然科学基金4项,广东省自然科学基金2项。获评国家林草局科技创新青年拔尖人才,珠江科技新星,中科院青促会会员以及广东省杰出青年基金。 主要研究兴趣: 土壤生态学、生物地球化学循环、热带森林生态、滨海湿地、生态系统碳氮磷循环、海岸带蓝碳、适应机制。
2017至今:英国生态学会主编的生态学期刊《Functional Ecology》杂志 副主编 2015至今:Wiley出版集团SCI期刊 《Ecology and Evolution》杂志 副主编 2020至今:中国植物学会《Journal of Plant Ecology》杂志 编委 2021至今:《应用生态学报》 编委 2015至今:美国科学促进会American Association for the Advancement of Science—AAAS 会员 2015至今:美国生态学会(ESA) 会员 2016至今:美国地球物理学会 (AGU) 会员 2017至今:英国生态学学会 (BES) 会员 多个国内外知名生态学、土壤学和海洋学期刊审稿人: New Phytologist, Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, Functional Ecology, Plant and Soil, Global Change Biology-Bioenergy, Soil Biology & Biochemistry, Biogeochemistry, Science of Total Environments, Forest Ecology Management, Ecological Research, European Journal of Soil Biology, Scientific Reports, PloS ONE, Journal of Soils and Sediments, Journal of Plant Ecology, Estuar. Coast. Shelf, 生态学报, 应用生态学报, 植物学报, 生态环境学报等.
1.  一种林冠模拟氮沉降和降雨野外控制实验系统,授权实用新型专利,发明人:傅声雷,张炜,戴慧堂,万师强,李培学,王明蕊,戴克元,朱师丹,闫俊华,王克亚,申卫军,林永标,旷远文,刘占锋,王法明,叶清,赵平, CN201320100383.0。
2.  一种降低牧草和蔬菜中镉含量的方法,授权发明专利,发明人:卢焕萍,李志安,庄萍,邹碧,王法明,夏汉平,邰义萍,中国,CN103286118A。
通讯作者和第一作者SCI论文24篇, 包括National Science Review, Nature Communications, Functional Ecology 等期刊。
1.  Faming Wang#*, Christian J. Sanders#*, Isaac R. Santos, Jianwu Tang, Mark Schurech, Matthew L. Kirwan, Robert E. Kopp, Kai Zhu, Xiuzhen Li, Jiacan Yuan, Wenzhi Liu, Zhian Li. 2020. Global blue carbon accumulation in tidal wetlands increases with climate change. National Science Review, DOI:10.1093/nsr/nwaa296 (IF 16.7, 中科院一区,第一作者、共同通讯作者)
2.  Faming Wang#, X. Lu#, C. J. Sanders, and J. Tang*. 2019. Tidal wetland resilience to sea level rise increases their carbon sequestration capacity in United States. Nature Communications 10:5434. (IF12.8中科院JCR一区)
3.  Mo Q, Li Za, Sayer EJ, Lambers H, Li Y, Zou B, Tang J, Heskel M, Ding Y, Faming Wang*, 2018. Foliar phosphorus fractions reveal how tropical plants maintain photosynthetic rates despite low soil phosphorus availability. Functional Ecology, 33:503-513. (*通讯作者IF=5.4, 中科院JCR一区Top期刊)
4.  Faming Wang, Yongzhen Ding, Emma Sayer, Weixing Zhu, Jianwu Tang, Zhian Li, 2017. Tropical forest restoration: fast resilience of plant biomass contrasts with slow recovery of stable soil C stocks. Functional Ecology, 31:2344-2355. (IF5.6 中科院JCR一区Top期刊)
5.  Yao Chen, Emma Sayer, Zhian Li, Bi Zou, Qifeng Mo, Yingwen Li, Jianwu Tang, Faming Wang*. 2016. Nutrient limitation of woody debris decomposition in a tropical forest: Contrasting effects of N and P addition. Functional Ecology. 30: 295-304. (*通讯作者,IF5.5 中科院JCR一区Top期刊)
6.  Faming Wang., M. Eagle, K. D. Kroeger, A. C. Spivak, and J. Tang*. 2020. Plant biomass and rates of carbon dioxide uptake are enhanced by successful restoration of tidal connectivity in salt marshes. Science of the Total Environment:141566.(IF6.5, 二区)
7.  Zhang, J., J. Li, Y. Fan, Q. Mo, Y. Li, Y. Li, Z. Li, and Faming Wang*. 2020. Effect of nitrogen and phosphorus addition on litter decomposition and nutrients release in a tropical forest. Plant and Soil. 10.1007/s11104-020-04643-9 (*通讯作者,IF3.2 中科院JCR一区)
8.  Qifeng Mo,Yiqun Chen,Shiqin Yiu,Yingxu Fan,Zhongtong Peng,Wenjuan Wang,Li Zhi'an, Faming Wang *, 2020.Leaf nonstructural carbohydrate concentrations of understory woody species regulated by soil phosphorus availability in a tropical forest. Ecology and Evolution. Doi:  10.1002/ece3.6549(*通讯作者,IF2.3 中科院JCR三区)
9.  Yu, S., Q. Mo, Y. Chen, Y. Li, Y. Li, B. Zou, H. Xia, W. Jun, Z. Li*, and Faming. Wang*. 2020. Effects of seasonal precipitation change on soil respiration processes in a seasonally dry tropical forest. Ecology and Evolution, 10:467-479. (*通讯作者,IF2.3 中科院JCR三区)
10.  Yu, S., Q. Mo, Y. Li, Y. Li, B. Zou, H. Xia, Z. Li*, and Faming. Wang*. 2019. Changes in seasonal precipitation distribution but not annual amount affect litter decomposition in a secondary tropical forest. Ecology and Evolution, 9:11344-11352.(*通讯作者,IF2.3 中科院JCR三区)
11.  Faming Wang, Kevin Koreger, Meagan Gonneea, Jim Tang et al. 2018. Effects of Water Salinity and Soil Inundation Level on Soil Carbon Decomposition During Salt Marsh Restoration: An Incubation Experiment. Ecology and Evolution, 9:1911-1921. (IF2.3 中科院JCR三区)
12.  Qifeng Mo, Zhi’an Li, Yao Chen, Yingwen Li, Shiqin Yu, Bi Zou, Yongzhen Ding, Xiaobo Li, Weixing Zhu, Faming Wang*. 2016. Reforestation in southern China: revisiting soil N mineralization and nitrification after 8 years restoration. Scientific Reports. 5:19770. (*通讯作者,IF5.2 中科院JCR二区)
13.  Faming Wang, Weixing Zhu, Hua Chen. 2016. Soil C storage, C fractions and aggregate stability in different stands after 70yrs afforestation in North American. Plant and Soil. 401: 319-329). (IF3.2 中科院JCR一区)
14.  Mo, Q., Zou, B., Li, Y., Chen, Y., Zhang, W., Mao, R., Ding, Y., Wang, J., Lu, X., Li, X., Tang, J., Li, Z. *, Faming Wang*. 2015. Response of plant nutrient stoichiometry to fertilization varied with plant tissues in a tropical forest. Scientific Reports. 5: 14605. (*通讯作者,IF5.2 中科院JCR二区)
15.  Jian Li, Zhian Li, Faming Wang*, Yao Chen, Jie Zhao, Bi Zou, Qifeng Mo, Yingwen Li, Xiaobo Li, Hanping Xia. 2015. Effects of nitrogen and phosphorus addition on soil microbial community in a secondary tropical forest of China. Biology and Fertility of Soils. 51: 207-215. (*通讯作者,IF3.4 中科院JCR一区)
16.  Jie Zhao#, Faming Wang#, Jian Li#, Bi Zou, Xiaoli Wang, Zhian Li, Shenglei Fu*. 2014. Effects of experimental nitrogen and/or phosphorus additions on soil nematode communities in a secondary tropical forest. Soil Biology and Biochemistry. 75:1-10. (*共同第一,IF4.4 中科院JCR一区Top期刊)
17.  Faming Wang, Bi Zou, Haifang Li, Zhian Li*. 2014. The effect of understory removal on microclimate and soil properties in two subtropical lumber plantations. Journal of Forest Research. 19: 238-243. (IF1.0 中科院JCR四区)
Faming Wang, Jin Liu, Bi Zou, Deborah A. Neher, Weixing Zhu, Zhian Li*. 2014. Species-dependent responses of soil microbial community composition and respiration to fresh leaf inputs in subtropical China. Journal of Plant Ecology. 7: 86-96. (IF2.5 中科院JCR三区)
18.  Faming Wang, Jian Li, Xiaoli Wang, Wei Zhang, Bi Zou, Deborah A. Neher & Zhian Li. 2014. Nitrogen and phosphorus addition impact soil N2O emission in a secondary tropical forest of South China. Scientific Reports. 4: 5615 (IF5.1中科院JCR二区)
19.  Faming Wang, Weixing Zhu, Bi Zou, Deborah A. Neher, Shenglei Fu, Hanping Xia, Zhian Li*. 2013.  Seedling growth and soil nutrients availability in exotic and native tree species: implications for afforestation in southern China. Plant and Soil. 364: 207-218. (IF3.2中科院JCR一区)
20.  Faming Wang, Li J, Zou B, Xu X, Li Z*. 2013. Effect of prescribed fire on soil properties and N transformation in two-vegetation types in South China. Environmental Management. 51: 1164-1173. (IF1.9中科院JCR三区)
21.  Faming Wang, Xu X, Zou B, Guo ZH, Li Z* and Zhu WX*. 2013. Biomass Accumulation and Carbon Sequestration in Four Different Aged Casuarina equisetifolia Coastal Shelterbelt Plantations in South China. Plos ONE. 8(10): e77449. (IF3.7中科院JCR二区)
Faming Wang, Zhian Li*, Hanping Xia, Bi Zou, Jin Liu, Weixing Zhu. 2010. Effects of N-fixing and none-N-fixing tree species on soil properties and N transformation during forest restoration in south China. Soil Science and Plant Nutrition. 56: 297–306. (IF1.1中科院JCR三区)
22.  Faming Wang, Weixing Zhu,Hanping Xia, Shenglei Fu, Zhian Li*. 2010. Nitrogen mineralization and leaching in the early stages of a subtropical afforestation in southern China. Restoration Ecology. 18: 313-322. (IF1.9中科院JCR三区)
1.  Xiaoliang Lv, Min Chen, Yaling Liu, Diego Miralles, Faming Wang, Enhanced water use efficiency in global terrestrial ecosystems under increasing aerosol loadings. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 237-238:39-49.(IF4.1中科院JCR一区Top期刊)
2.  Zhang W, Shen W, Zhu S, Wan S, Luo Y, Yan J, Wang K, Liu L, Dai H, Li P, Dai K, Zhang W, Liu Z, Wang Faming, 2015 CAN Canopy Addition of Nitrogen Better Illustrate the Effect of Atmospheric Nitrogen Deposition on Forest Ecosystem? Scientific Reports 5: 11245. (IF5.1中科院JCR二区)
3.  Yiping Tai, Huanping Lu, Zhian Li, Ping Zhuang, Bi Zou, Hanping Xia, Faming Wang, Gang Wang, Jun Duan, Jianxia Zhang. 2013. Purification of contaminated paddy fields by clean water irrigation over two decades. Environmental Geochemistry and Health. 35:657-666. (IF2.6中科院JCR三区)
4.  Xiong Y, Liao B, Proffitt E, Guan W, Sun Y, Faming Wang, Liu X, 2018, Soil carbon storage in mangroves is primarily controlled by soil properties: A study at Dongzhai Bay, China. Sci Total Environ 619-620: 1226-1235. doi: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2017.11.187. (IF4.9中科院JCR二区)
5.  Xiong Y, Liao B, Faming Wang, 2018, Mangrove vegetation enhances soil carbon storage primarily through in situ inputs rather than increasing allochthonous sediments. Mar Pollut Bull 131: 378-385. doi: 10.1016/j.marpolbul.2018.04.043. (IF2.9 中科院JCR三区)
6.  唐剑武, 叶属峰, 陈雪初, 杨华蕾, 孙晓红, 王法明, 温泉, 陈少波 (2018) 海岸带蓝碳的科学概念、研究方法以及在生态恢复中的应用. 中国科学: 地球科学 48: 661-664. doi: 10.1360/N072017-00341. (IF1.5 中科院JCR三区)
7.  Wang, J., Z. Sun, D. Hui, L. Yang, F. Wang, N. Liu, and H. Ren. 2018. Responses of seedling performance to altered seasonal precipitation in a secondary tropical forest, southern China. Forest Ecology and Management 410:27-34. (IF3.3中科院JCR一区)
1.  Faming Wang, 2013, Response of soil microbes to N and P addition in a secondary tropical forest. Contributed Oral Presentation (In English), the 7th International Symposium of Forest Soils, Shenyang, China.
2.  Faming Wang, 2013, Forest Restoration in Tropical Degraded Land: Changes in Soil Carbon Storage and C stabilization. Contributed Oral Presentation (In English). The 2nd Symposium of Young Scientists in the Ecosystem Research Network. Shijiazhuang, China.
3.  Faming Wang, 2016, Salt marsh restoration: Changes in GHGs emissions in a 10 yrs chronosequence study in New England. Contributed Oral Presentation (In English). 美国生态学会大会, Fort Lauderdale, FL, USA
4.  Faming Wang, et al 2016, Salt marsh restoration: Changes in GHGs emissions in a 10 yrs chronosequence study in New England. Contributed Oral Presentation (In English). The 2nd Summit Forum on Coastal Wetlands, Xiamen,China.
5.  Faming Wang, Jim Tang, Kevin Kroeger et al, 2017, Methane emissions from coastal wetlands of New England, US. 美国地球物理学会年会, New Orleans. Oral Presentation
6.  Faming Wang, Jim Tang et al, 2018, The resilience of coastal wetlands to sea level rise could increase the tidal wetlands C sequestration in US. NSFC-Hongkong Joint Program Workshop, Xiamen, China. Oral Presentation (In English).
7.  Faming Wang, Jim Tang et al, 2018, Qualifying the C sequestration in the tidal wetlands of USA. 美国地球物理学会年会, Washington DC. Oral Presentation
8.  Faming Wang, 2019, CH4 and CO2 emissions from restricted and unrestricted coastal wetlands in USA. Contributed Oral Presentation (In English). 美国生态学会大会, Louisville, KY, USA
9.  Faming Wang. 2019. Nutrients limitations in tropical forests. Workshop on “New Paradigms of terrestrial ecosystem nutrients limitations”. Perth, Australia.
广东省水利厅科技创新项目子课题:粤西经济林土壤侵蚀和水土保持研究。 项目执行时间:2014-2016。8万,主持。
广州市“珠江科技新星”,执行年限: 2017-2020。30万,主持。
美国国家公园系统Nickerson Fellowship “Estimation of GHGs flux at Herring river basin, MA, USA” 1500美元,2017。主持。
美国国家公园系统Nickerson Fellowship “Methane emission at Phragmites brackish and its mechanism” 3520美元,2018。主持。