职 称: 研究员
邮 编: 510650
专家类别: 正高级
电子邮件: luxiankai@scbg.ac.cn
通讯地址: 广州市天河区兴科路723号
 (1) 1999.9–2003.7:山东莱阳农学院, 园艺, 学士 
 (2) 2003.9–2008.3:中国科学院华南植物园, 生态学, 博士 主要工作经历: (1) 2008.3-2011.5:中国科学院华南植物园, 生态及环境科学研究中心, 助理研究员 
 (3) 2011.6-2016.7:中国科学院华南植物园, 生态及环境科学研究中心, 副研究员 
 (4) 2016.8-2019.7:中国科学院华南植物园, 生态及环境科学研究中心, 陈焕镛研究员 
 (5) 2019.8-至今:中国科学院华南植物园, 生态及环境科学研究中心,研究员 
 (6) 2013.3-2014.4:美国俄克拉荷马大学, 植物与微生物学系, 访问学者 
 (7) 2017.1-2019.1:美国斯坦福大学, 生物学系, 高级访问学者
(1) 氮素生物地球化学研究团队简介(Nitrogen Biogeochemistry Lab):依托在鼎湖山保护区建立的中国首个森林生态系统长期氮沉降试验样地和林冠氮沉降试验样地,以中国南方典型森林和热带森林为对象,探讨全球化背景下生态系统对长期氮沉降的响应与适应,主要侧重于生态系统响应的过程格局及其机制。 
(2) 主要研究领域: 
 ①植物适应性假说(Plant Acclimation Hypothesis):“富氮”生态系统中的植物可以通过提升自身蒸腾能力适应过量氮沉降来维持养分平衡。该假说首次通过植物适应性把生态系统“碳-氮-水”循环紧密结合起来;预示着在“富氮”系统中,氮沉降增加对植物生长影响不大,但对系统水循环将产生显著影响。参考文献:Lu et al., Plant acclimation to long-term high nitrogen deposition in an N-rich tropical forest. PNAS, 2018, 115 (20): 5187-5192. 
②土壤碳吸存假说(Soil Carbon Sequestration Hypothesis):氮沉降促进森林生态系统土壤碳吸存的现象在全球尺度上普遍存在,但是“氮限制”和“富氮”生态系统的表现机制不同。在“氮限制”生态系统,氮沉降增加促进了净初级生产力,土壤碳吸存增加的主要驱动因素是地上凋落物量输入增加和CO2排放通量降低;在“富氮”生态系统,长期氮沉降没有影响到净初级生产力,土壤碳吸存增加的主要驱动因素是降低CO2和可溶性有机碳(DOC)输出通量。尽管氮沉降驱动的两大生态系统碳流通过程有差异,但是在土壤有机碳积累的格局上表现一致,尤其是增加了不活跃碳库(Recalcitrant carbon stock)的比重。该假说把氮沉降作为驱动因子,一方面为发展和完善陆地系统碳氮耦合循环模型提供了重要的机理支撑,另一方面可为中国森林生态系统碳汇潜力评估和“碳中和”目标实现提供重要的决策基础。参考文献:Lu et al., Nitrogen deposition accelerates soil carbon sequestration in tropical forests, PNAS,2021, 118 (16): e2020790118.
(1)2021.4-至今:国际刊物Forests 特邀专辑客座编委,Special Issue "Biogeochemical Cycles of Nitrogen in Forest Ecosystems" (2)2021.1-至今:《生态学杂志》编委、《南京林业大学学报(自然科学版)》青年编委 (3)2014.12-至今:国际刊物Scientific Reports编委; (4)长期担任多家国际刊物审稿人:如PNAS、Global Change Biology、Journal of Ecology、Ecology,Environmental Science & Technology、Ecosystems、Biogeosciences、Plant and Soil、Science of the Total Environment等。
 (1)  Xiankai Lu, Peter M. Vitousek, Qinggong Mao, Frank S. Gilliam, Yiqi Luo, Benjamin L. Turner, Guoyi Zhou, Jiangming Mo. Nitrogen deposition accelerates soil carbon sequestration in tropical forests. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 2021,118 (16): e2020790118 
 (2)  Geshere Abdisa Gurmesa, Jiangming Mo, Per Gundersen, Qinggong Mao, Yunting Fang, Zhu Feifei, Xiankai Lu*. Retention and partitioning of 15N-labeled deposited N in a tropical plantation forest, Biogeochemistry, 2021, 152(2): 237-251. (*通讯作者) 
 (3)  Tong Zhang, Xingyun Liang, Qing Ye, Hormoz BassiriRad, Hui Liu, Pengcheng He, Guilin Wu, Xiankai Lu, Jiangming M, Xi'an Cai, Xingquan Rao, Junhua Yan, Shenglei Fu. Leaf hydraulic acclimation to nitrogen addition of two dominant tree species in a subtropical forest. Science of the Total Environment 2021, 771: 145415. 
 (4)  Shan Xu, Emma J. Sayer, Nico Eisenhauer, Xiankai Lu, Junjian Wang & Chengshuai Liu. Aboveground litter inputs determine carbon storage across soil profiles: a meta-analysis. Plant Soil, 2021 https://doi.org/10.1007/s11104-021-04881-5 
 (5)  Shan Xu, Nico Eisenhauer, Olga Ferlian, Jinlong Zhang, Guoyi Zhou, Xiankai Lu, Chengshuai Liu, Deqiang Zhang. Species richness promotes ecosystem carbon storage: evidence from biodiversity-ecosystem functioning experiments. Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences, 2020, 287: 20202063. 
 (6)  Du, E.*, Lu, X*., Tian, D., Mao, Q., Jing, X., Wang, C., & Xia, N. (2020). Impacts of Nitrogen Deposition on Forest Ecosystems in China. In Atmospheric Reactive Nitrogen in China (pp. 185-213). Springer, Singapore. In: Liu X., Du E. (eds) Atmospheric Reactive Nitrogen in China. Springer, Singapore. 2020, 185-213. DOI: https://xs.scihub.ltd/https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-13-8514-8_9 
 (7)  Guo XL., Huang JG., Li JY., Liang HX., Yu BY., Ma QQ., Jiang SW., Lu XK., Fu SL., Ye Q., Zhao P., Cai X. (2020) Nitrogen addition to the canopy of Castanopsis chinensis (Sprengel) Hance promoted xylem formation in a subtropical forest in China. Annals of Forest Science, 2020, 77:56. 
 (8)  Enqing Hou, Yiqi Luo, Yuanwen Kuang, Chengrong Chen, Xiankai Lu, Lifen Jiang Xianzhen Luo, Dazhi Wen. Global meta-analysis shows pervasive phosphorus limitation of aboveground plant production in natural terrestrial ecosystems. Nature Communications, 2020, 11:637. 
 (9)  Xingyun Liang, Tong Zhang, Xiankai Lu, David S. Ellsworth, Hormoz BassiriRad, Chengming You, Dong Wang, Pengcheng He, Qi Deng, Hui Liu, Jiangming Mo, Qing Ye. Global response patterns of plant photosynthesis to nitrogen addition: A meta-analysis. Global Change Biology, 2020, 26:3585–3600. 
 (10)  Cong Wang, Taiki Mori, Qinggong Mao, Kaijun Zhou, Zhuohang Wang, Yongqun Zhang, Hui Mo, Xiankai Lu*, and Jiangming Mo. Long-term phosphorus addition downregulates microbial investments on enzyme productions in a mature tropical forest. Journal of Soils and Sediments, 2020, 20: 921–930.(*通讯作者,IF2019=2.763) 
 (11)  Taiki Mori, Kaijun Zhou, Cong Wang, Senhao Wang, Yingping Wang, Mianhai Zheng, Xiankai Lu, Wei Zhang, Jiangming Mo. Effects of 14-year continuous nitrogen addition on soil arylsulfatase and phosphodiesterase activities in a mature tropical forest. Global Ecology and Conservation, 2020, 22(e00934). 
 (12)  Guoyi Zhou, Shan Xu, Philippe Ciais, Stefano Manzoni, Jingyun Fang, Guirui Yu, Xuli Tang, Ping Zhou, Wantong Wang, Junhua Yan, Gengxu Wang, Keping Ma, Shenggong Li, Sheng Du, Shijie Han, Youxin Ma, Deqiang Zhang, Juxiu Liu, Shizhong Liu, Guowei Chu, Qianmei Zhang, Yuelin Li, Wenjuan Huang, Hai Ren, Xiankai Lu, Xiuzhi Chen. Climate and litter C/N ratio constrain soil organic carbon accumulation. National Science Review, 2019, 6:746–757. 
 (13)  Jing Tian, Jennifer A. J. Dungait, Xiankai Lu, Yunfeng Yang, Iain P. Hartley, Wei Zhang, Jiangming Mo, Guirui Yu, Jizhong Zhou, Yakov Kuzyakov. Long-term nitrogen addition modifies microbial composition and functions for slow carbon cycling and increased sequestration in tropical forest soil. Global change biology, 2019, 25(10): 3267-3281. 
 (14)  Geshere Abdisa Gurmesa, Xiankai Lu, Per Gundersen, Qinggong Mao, Yunting Fang and Jiangming Mo. Species Differences in Nitrogen Acquisition in Humid Subtropical Forest Inferred From 15N Natural Abundance and Its Response to Tracer Addition. Forests, 2019, 10(11): 991. 
 (15)  Taiki Mori, Senhao Wang, Zhuohang Wang, Cong Wang, Hui Mo, Jiangming Mo, and Xiankai Lu* (通讯作者). Testing potassium limitation on soil microbial activity in a sub-tropical forest. Journal of Forestry Research, 2019, 30: 2341–2347. 
 (16)  Mianhai Zheng, Wei Zhang, Yiqi Luo, Dejun Li Senhao Wang, Juan Huang, Xiankai Lu, Jiangming Mo. Stoichiometry controls asymbiotic nitrogen fixation and its response to nitrogen inputs in a nitrogen‐saturated forest. Ecology, 2018, 99(9): 2037–2046. 
 (17)  Xiankai Lu, Peter M. Vitousek*, Qinggong Mao, Frank S. Gilliam, Yiqi Luo, Guoyi Zhou, Xiaoming Zou, Edith Bai, Todd M. Scanlon, Enqing Hou and Jiangming Mo*. Plant acclimation to long-term high nitrogen deposition in an N-rich tropical forest. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 2018, 115 (20): 5187-5192. 
 (18)  Kaijun Zhou, Xiankai Lu*, Taiki Mori, Qinggong Mao, Cong Wang, Mianhai Zheng, Hui Mo, Enqing Hou, Jiangming Mo. Effects of long-term nitrogen deposition on phosphorus leaching dynamics in a mature tropical forest. Biogeochemistry, 2018,138 (2): 215-224. (*通讯作者) 
 (19)  Cong Wang, Xiankai Lu*, Taiki Mori, Jiangming Mo, Guoyi Zhou, Qinggong Mao, Kaijun Zhou, Yanxia Nie. Responses of soil microbial community to continuous experimental nitrogen addition for 13 years in a nitrogen-rich tropical forest. Soil biology and biochemistry, 2018, 121: 103–112 (*通讯作者) 
 (20)  Taiki Mori, Xiangkai Lu, Ryota Aoyagi, Jiangming Mo. Reconsidering the phosphorus limitation of soil microbial activity in tropical forests. Functional Ecology, 2018, 32(5): 1145-1154. 
 (21)  Qinggong Mao, Xiankai Lu*, Hui Mo, Per Gundersen, Jiangming Mo. Effects of simulated N deposition on foliar nutrient status, N metabolism and photosynthetic capacity of three dominant understory plant species in a mature tropical forest. Science of the Total Environment, 2018, 610: 555-562. (*通讯作者) 
 (22)  Qinggong Mao, Xiankai Lu*, Cong Wang, Kaijun Zhou, Jiangming Mo*. Responses of understory plant physiological traits to a decade of nitrogen addition in a tropical reforested ecosystem. Forest Ecology and Management, 2017, 401:65-74. (*通讯作者) 
 (23)  Geshere Abdisa Gurmesa, Xiankai Lu, Per Gundersen, Yunting Fang, Qinggong Mao, Chen Hao, and Jiangming Mo Nitrogen input 15N signatures are reflected in plant 15N natural abundances in subtropical forests in China. Biogeosciences, 2017, 14: 2359–2370. 
 (24)  Qinggong Mao, Xiankai Lu*, Kaijun Zhou, Hao Chen, Xiaomin Zhu, Taiki Mori, Jiangming Mo*. Effects of long-term nitrogen and phosphorus additions on soil acidification in an N-rich tropical forest. Geoderma, 2017, 285: 57-63. (*通讯作者) 
 (25)  Xuejun Liu,Wen Xu, Lei Duan, Enzai Du, Yuepeng Pan, Xiankai Lu(共同第一作者), Lin Zhang, Zhiyong Wu, Xuemei Wang, Ying Zhang, Jianlin Shen, Ling Song, Zhaozhong Feng, Xueyan Liu, Wei Song, Aohan Tang, Yangyang Zhang, Xiuying Zhang, Jeffrey L. Collett Jr. Atmospheric Nitrogen Emission, Deposition, and Air Quality Impacts in China: an Overview. Current Pollution Reports. 2017,3(2):65-77. 
 (26)  Geshere Abdisa Gurmesa, Xiankai Lu, Per Gundersen, Qinggong Mao, Kaijun Zhou, Yunting Fang, Jiangming Mo. High retention of 15N-labeled nitrogen deposition in a nitrogen saturated old-growth tropical forest. Global Change Biology, 2016, 22: 3608–3620. 
 (27)  Wei Zhang, Yanhe Cui, Xiankai Lu, Edith Bai, Hongbo He, Hongtu Xie, Chao Liang, Xudong Zhang. High nitrogen deposition decreases the contribution of fungal residues to soil carbon pools in a tropical forest ecosystem. Soil Biology and Biochemistry, 2016, 97: 211-214. 
 (28)  Xiankai Lu, Qinggong Mao, Jiangming Mo, Frank Gilliam, Guoyi Zhou, Yiqi Luo; Wei Zhang, Juan Huang . Divergent responses of soil buffering capacity to long-term N deposition in three typical tropical forests with different land-use history. Environmental Science & Technology, 2015, 49 (7): 4072–4080. 
 (29)  Feifei Zhu, Xiankai Lu, Lei Liu, Jiangming Mo. Phosphate addition enhanced soil inorganic nutrients to a large extent in three lowland tropical forests. Scientific Reports, 2015, 5: 7923 
 (30)  Xiankai Lu, Qinggong Mao, Frank S. Gilliam, Yiqi Luo, Jiangming Mo. Nitrogen deposition contributes to soil acidification in tropical ecosystems. Global Change Biology, 2014, 20: 3790–3801. 
 (31)  Zhu Feifei, Xiankai Lu, Jiangming Mo*. Phosphorus limitation on photosynthesis of two dominant understory species in a lowland tropical forest. Journal of Plant Ecology, 2014, 7 (6): 526-534. 
 (32)  Lu, X., Gilliam, F. S., Yu, G., Li, L., Mao, Q., Chen, H., and Mo, J. Long-term nitrogen addition decreases carbon leaching in a nitrogen-rich forest ecosystem. Biogeosciences, 2013, 10: 3931–3941. 
 (33)  Xiankai Lu, Jiangming Mo, Frank S. Gilliam, Hua Fang, Feifei Zhu, Yunting Fang, Wei Zhang and Juan Huang. Nitrogen addition shapes soil phosphorus availability in two reforested tropical forests in Southern China. Biotropica, 2012, 44(3): 302-311. 
 (34)  Laurance WF, Useche DC, Rendeiro J, Kalka M, and others, Xiankai Lu. Averting biodiversity collapse in tropical forest protected areas. Nature, 2012, 489(7415):290-294. 
 (35)  Xiankai Lu, Jiangming Mo, Frank S. Gilliam, Guirui Yu, Wei Zhang, Yunting Fang, Juan Huang. Effects of experimental nitrogen additions on plant diversity in tropical forests of contrasting disturbance regimes in Southern China. Environmental Pollution, 2011, 159 (10): 2228-2235. 
 (36)  Xuejun Liu, Lei Duan, Jiangming Mo, Enzai Du, Jianlin Shen, Xiankai Lu(共同第一作者), Ying Zhang, Xiaobing Zhou, Chune He, Fusuo Zhang. Nitrogen deposition and its ecological impact in China: An overview. Environmental Pollution, 2011, 159 (10): 2251-2264. 
 (37)  Yunting Fang, Muneoki Yoh, Keisuke Koba, Weixing Zhu, Yu Takebayashi, Yihua Xiao, Chunyi Lei, Jiangming Mo, Wei Zhang, Xiankai Lu. Nitrogen deposition and forest nitrogen cycling along an urban-rural transect in southern China. Global Change Biology, 2011, 17: 872-885. 
 (38)  Xiankai Lu, Jiangming Mo, Frank S. Gilliam, Guoyi Zhou, Yunting Fang. Effects of experimental nitrogen additions on plant diversity in an old-growth tropical forest. Global Change Biology, 2010, 16: 2688–2700. 
 (39)  XianKai Lu, JiangMing Mo, Per Gundersern, WeiXing Zhu, GuoYi Zhou, DeJun Li and Xu Zhang. 2009. Effect of simulated N deposition on soil exchangeable cations in three forest types of subtropical China. Pedosphere, 19 (2): 189–198, 2009. 
 (40)  LU Xiankai, MO Jiangming, DONG Shaofeng. Effects of nitrogen deposition on forest biodiversity. Acta Ecologica Sinica, 2008, 28(11):5532-5548.
 (1) 国家优青年科学基金项目:森林生态系统氮素生物地球化学(41922056,2020.1-2022.12), 130万元,主持。 
 (2) 中国科学院,青年创新促进会优秀会员项目,(Y201965,2020.1-2022.12),150万元,主持 
 (3) 国家自然科学基金-重点项目:中国南亚热带森林生态系统中氮沉降的去向、储存及其机理(41731176, 2018.1.1-2022.12.30)286万元,第二主持。 
 (4) 中科院青促会基金项目:南亚热带季风常绿落叶林森林氮素水文学过程(NO. 2015287, 2015.1-2018.12),60万元,主持。 
 (5) 中科院华南植物园青年人才基金:氮沉降对南亚热带自然森林生态系统磷素循环的影响(Y561021001,2015.10-2018.9),35万元,主持; 
 (6) 国家自然科学基金-面上项目:长期氮沉降影响南亚热带森林生态系统可溶性有机碳流失的过程与机制(31370498; 2014.1-2017.12), 83万元,主持; 
 (7) 青年973计划项目:森林生态系统活性氮循环机制及其环境效应研究(2014.1-2018.8;2014CB954400),450万元,第二主持; 
 (8) 国家自然科学基金-青年基金:氮沉降影响南亚热带森林土壤缓冲能力的机制 (30900202;2010.1-2012.12),22万元,主持; 
 (9) 中科院知识创新工程重要方向项目:长期高氮沉降下南亚热带森林植物多样性的维持机制 (KSCX2-EW-J-28;2011.1-2013.12),21万元,主持;