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5. Wang, C., & Zhang, H.* (2020). Trends and variance of continental fresh water discharge over the last six decades. Water, 12, 3556.
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9. Zhang, H., He, Q., Pandey, S., Jiang, K., & Wang, C.* (2021). Can overgrazing responses be disentangled by above- and below-ground traits? Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution, 9, 573948. (通讯作者)
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25. Yang, B., Berg, L. K., Qian, Y., Wang, C., Hou, Z., Liu, Y., Shin, H. H., Hong, S.-Y., & Pekour, M. (2019). Parametric and Structural Sensitivities of Turbine-Height Wind Speeds in the Boundary Layer Parameterizations in the Weather Research and Forecasting Model. Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres, 124, 5951-5969.
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27. Du, Y., Wang, Y. P., Su, F., Jiang, J., Wang, C., Yu, M., & Yan, J. (2020). The response of soil respiration to precipitation change is asymmetric and differs between grasslands and forests. Global Change Biology, 26, 6015-6024.
1. Uncertainty Quantification Python Laboratory 软件,完成人:王琛,段青云;著作权人:中国科学院华南植物园,河海大学。登记号:2019SR1009332,开发完成日期:2019年1月30日。
2. Recovery Plant Species Selection软件 ,完成人:王琛,张辉,刘楠,简曙光;著作权人:中国科学院华南植物园,海南大学。登记号:2019SR1160222,开发完成日期:2019年6月27日。
3. Native Plant Species Selection软件 ,完成人:王琛,张辉,刘楠,简曙光;著作权人:中国科学院华南植物园,海南大学。登记号:2020SR0565571,开发完成日期:2020年2月1日。