职 称: | 研究员 |
邮 编: | 510650 |
专家类别: | 正高级 |
电子邮件: | kuangyw@scbg.ac.cn |
通讯地址: | 广州市天河区兴科路723号 |
1992.9-1996.7 江西农业大学林学院,主修森林学,获学士学位
2001.9-2006.6 中国科学院华南植物园,主修生态学,获博士学位
2006.7-2006.12 中国科学院华南植物园 助理研究员
2007.1-2016.7 中国科学院华南植物园 副研究员
期间2009.6-2009.11 澳大利亚昆士兰大学(the University of Queensland)矿区复垦研究中心(Center for Mined Land Rehabilitation) 访问学者
2016.8-今 中国科学院华南植物园 研究员
说明: #, 共同贡献; *, 通讯作者
(1) SB Tang, HR Dawson, LCS Silva, J Pe?uelas, J Sardans, H Lambers, FY Zeng, Y Lai, YL Jia, GY Zhou, YT Fang, Y Tu, D Xi, DX Zhang*, YW Kuang*, 2022. Atmospheric factors outweigh species traits and soil properties in explaining spatiotemporal variation in water-use efficiency of tropical and subtropical forest species. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 323, 109056
(2) SB Tang, JF Liu, FS Gilliam, P Hietz*, ZH Wang, XK Lu, FY Zeng, DZ Wen, EQ Hou, Y Lai, YT Fang, Y Tu, D Xi, ZQ Huang, DX Zhang*, R Wang, YW Kuang*, 2022. Drivers of foliar 15N trends in southern China over the last century. Global Change Biology, doi/10.1111/gcb.16285
(3) XF Lu, ZF Qin, H Lambers, SB Tang, J Kaal, EQ Hou, YW Kuang*, 2022. Nitrogen addition increase aboveground silicon and phytolith concentrations in understory plants of a tropical forest. Plant and Soil, doi.org/10.1007/s11104-021-05236-w
(4) YT Lin, Y Lai, SB Tang, ZF Qin, JF Liu, FF Kang, YW Kuang*, 2022. Climatic and edaphic variables determine leaf C, N, P stoichiometry of deciduous Quercus species. Plant and Soil, doi.org/10.1007/s11104-022-05342-3
(1) XF Lu, EQ Hou, JY Guo, FS Gilliam, JL Li*, SB Tang, YW Kuang*, 2021. Nitrogen addition stimulates soil aggregation and enhances carbon storage in terrestrial ecosystems of China: A meta-analysis. Global Change Biology, 21, 2780-2792.
(2) SB Tang#, LL Zhang#, H Lambers, WD Ren, XF Lu, EQ Hou, SL Fu, YW Kuang*, 2021. Addition of nitrogen to canopy versus understorey has different effects on leaf traits of understorey plants in a subtropical evergreen broad‐leaved forest. Journal of Ecology, 109, 692-702.
(3) SB Tang, Y Lai, XL Tang, OL Phillips, JF Liu, DX Chen, DZ Wen, SL Wang, LC Chen, XJ Tian, YW Kuang*, 2021. Multiple environmental factors regulate the large-scale patterns of plant water use efficiency and nitrogen availability across China’s forests. Environmental Research Letters, 16, 034026.
(4) XF Lu, YW Kuang*, LY Mou, EQ Hou, SL Fu, JL Li*, 2021. Canopy mitigates the effects of nitrogen deposition on soil carbon-related processes in a subtropical forest. Science of the Total Environment, 75,143847.
(5) XF Lu, FS Gilliam, JY Guo, EQ Hou, YW Kuang*, 2021. Decrease of soil acidity has greater effects than increase of aboveground carbon inputs on soil organic carbon in terrestrial ecosystems of China under nitrogen enrichment. Journal of Applied Ecology, 59, 768-778.
(6) XF Lu, WD Ren, EQ Hou, SB Tang, LL Zhang, ZF Liu, YB Lin, SL Fu, DZ Wen, YW Kuang*, 2021. Different effects of canopy and understory nitrogen addition on soil organic carbon and its related processes in a subtropical forest. Journal of Soil and Sediments, 21, 235-244.
(7) SB Tang, JF Liu, H Lambers, LL Zhang, ZF Liu, YT Lin, YW Kuang*, 2021. Increase in leaf organic acids to enhance adaptability of dominant plant species in Karst habitats. Ecology and Evolution, 11, 10277-10289.
(8) YT Lin, LH Kuang, SB Tang, ZJ Mou, OL Phillips, H Lambers, ZF Liu, J Sardans, J Pe?uelas, Y Lai, MX Lin, DX Chen, YW Kuang*, 2021. Leaf traits from stomata to morphology are associated with climatic and edaphic variables for dominant tropical forest evergreen oaks. Journal of Plant Ecology, 14: 1115–1127.
(9) ZJ Mou, LH Kuang, LF He, J Zhang, XY Zhang, DF Hui, Y Li, WJ Wu, QM Mei, XJ He, YW Kuang, J Wang, YQ Wang, H Lambers, J Sardans, J Pe?uelas, ZF Liu*, 2021. Climatic and edaphic controls over the elevational patterns of microbial necromass in subtropical forests. Catena, 207, 105707.
(10) EQ Hou, DZ Wen, LF Jiang, XZ Luo, YW Kuang, XK Lu, CC Rong, KT Allen, XJ He, XZ Huang, YQ Luo*, 2021. Latitude pattern of phosphorus limitation over the globe. Ecology Letters, 24, 1420-1431.
(11) Y Yuan, Y Li, ZJ Mou, LH Kuang, WJ Wu, J Zhang, FM Wang, DF Hui, J Pe?uelas, J Sardans, H Lambers, J Wang, YW Kuang, ZA Li, ZF Liu*, 2021. Phosphorus addition decreases microbial residual contribution to soil organic carbon pool in a tropical coastal forest. Global Change Biology, 27, 454-466.
(12) MY Wong*, SD Rathod, R Marino, L Li, RW Howarth, A Alastuey, MG Alaino, F Barraza, MC Carneiro, S Chellam, YC Chen, DD Cohen, D Connelly, G Dongarra, D Gomez, J Hand, RM Harrison, PK Kopke, C Hueglin, YW Kuang, F Lambert, J Liang, R Losno, W Maenhaut, C Milando, MI Monteiro, Y Morera-Gomez, X Querol, S Rodriguez, P Smichowski, D Varrica, YH Xiao, YJ Xu, NM Mahowald, 2021. Anthropogenic perturbations to the atmospheric molybdenum cycle. Global Biogeochemical Cycles, 35, e2020GB006787.
(13) 赖媛, 张玲玲, 郭英荣, 雷平, 任文丹, 刘占锋, 旷远文*, 2021. 武夷山不同海拔杜鹃和黄山松叶片功能性状的变化. 生态学杂志, 40(7): 1988-1996.
(1) HL Yu, SY Li, AH Wang, YW Kuang*, FG Wang*, FW Xing, 2020. Accumulation of heavy metals and As in the fern Blechnum orientale L. from Guangdong Province, Southern China. Water, Air and Soil Pollution, 231: 342.
(2) EQ Hou, YQ Luo, YW Kuang, CC Chen, XK Lu, LF Jiang, XZ Luo, DZ Wen*, 2020. Global meta-analysis shows pervasive phosphorus limitation of aboveground plant production in natural terrestrial ecosystems. Nature Communications, doi: 10.1038/s41467-020-14492-w.
(3) 白天军, 邓文平, 旷远文, 刘苑秋, 叶清, 牛杰慧, 温林生, 黄榕, 2020. 庐山不同海拔日本柳杉年轮宽度对气候因子的响应. 生态学杂志, 39 (1): 57-66.
(1) XF Lu, WD Ren, EQ Hou, LL Zhang, DZ Wen, ZF Liu, YB Lin, J Wang, YW Kuang*, 2019. Negative effects of canopy N addition on soil organic carbon in wet season are primarily detected in uppermost soils of a subtropical forest. Global Ecology and Conservation, 17, eoo543.
(2) 习丹, 旷远文*, 2019. 广州城郊森林公园常绿阔叶林土壤有机碳及组分特征. 生态科学, 38(1): 226-232.
(1) SB Tang, YM Xu, YB Lin, EQ Hou, WJ Shen, J Wang, YW Kuang*, 2018. Seasonal drought may alter N availability but not water use efficiency of dominant trees in a subtropical forest. Global Ecology and Conservation, 16, e00475.
(2) EQ Hou, CR Chen, YQ Luo, GY Zhou, YW Kuang, YG Zhang, M Heenan, XK Lu, DZ Wen*, 2018. Effects of climate on soil phosphorus cycle and availability in natural terrestrial ecosystems. Global Change Biology, 24, 3344-3356.
(3) EQ Hou*, SB Tang, CR Chen, YW Kuang, XK Lu, M Heenan, DZ Wen*, 2018. Solubility of phosphorus in subtropical forest soils as influenced by low-molecular organic acids and key soil properties. Geoderma, 313, 172-180.
(4) EQ Hou*, DZ Wen, YW Kuang, J Cong, C Chen, XJ He, M Heenan, H Lu, YG Zhang*, 2018. Soil pH predominantly controls the forms of organic phosphorus in topsoils under natural broadleaved forests along a 2500 km latitudinal gradient. Geoderma, 315, 65-74.
(5) YH Xiao, SR Liu*, FC Tong, BF Chen, YW Kuang*, 2018. Dominant species in subtropical forest could decrease photosynthetic N allocation to carboxylation and biogenergetics and enhance leaf construction costs during forest succession. Frontiers in Plant Sciences, 10.3389/fpls.2018.0017.
(6) 林谕彤,李海滨,黄潇洒,吴林芳,朱娘金,林永标,刘占锋,旷远文*. 2018. 广东惠州莲花山木本植物的多样性和生物量沿海拔的变化及相关性分析. 植物资源与环境学报, 27(4):42-52.
(7) 习丹, 旷远文*, 2018. 城市化梯度上亚热带常绿阔叶林土壤有机碳及其组分特征. 应用生态学报, 29(7): 2149-2155.
(8) 汤松波, 习丹, 任文丹, 旷远文*, 2018. 鹤山不同植被土壤有机碳分布特征. 50(1): 122-130.
(1) YW Kuang, YM Xu, LL Zhang, EQ Hou, WJ Sheng*, 2017. Dominant trees in a subtropical forest respond to drought mainly via adjusting tissue soluble sugar and proline content. Frontiers in Plant Sciences, 8, 802. doi: 10.3389/fpls.2017.00802.
(2) LL Zhang, XM Zhu, YW Kuang*. Responses of Pinus massoniana seedlings to lead stress. Biologia Plantarum, 2017, 61(4), 785-790.
(3) 汤松波,张玲玲,旷远文*,闫俊华,陈丰林, 2017. 贵州喀斯特森林34个优势种叶片构建成本特征. 地球与环境, 45(1):18-24
(1) 国家自然科学基金面上项目(No. 41771522) “长期大气氮沉降对我国南方常绿阔叶林的植物可利用氮影响研究”, 2018.01-2021.12, 65万,主持;
(2) 国家自然科学基金面上项目(No. 41471443) “南亚热带常绿阔叶林土壤有机碳对林冠N添加的响应”, 2015.01-2018.12, 85万,主持;
(3) 国家自然科学基金面上项目(No. 31170427) “基于非维管植物校检的维管植物15N及其对大气N溯源”, 2012.01-2015.12,64万, 主持;
(4) 国家自然科学基金面上项目(No. 30972365)“Pb污染源变迁的树轮-土壤Pb同位素解析”,2010.01-2012.12, 32万,主持;
(5) 5)973计划及重大科学研究计划子课题专题(No. 2013CB956701) “喀斯特植被的固碳速率及资源分配策略”, 2013.01-2017.12, 120万,主持;
(6) 国家自然科学基金重点项目(No. 3113001)“降水季节变化对亚热带常绿阔叶林土壤生态过程的影响机理”子课题“亚热带常绿阔叶林优势种资源分配对降水季节变化的响应”, 2012.01-2016.12, 25万,主持