职 称: 研究员
邮 编: 510650
专家类别: 正高级
电子邮件: qye@scbg.ac.cn
通讯地址: 广州市天河区兴科路723号

201912-至今 中国科学院华南植物园 副主任

20163-至今 中国科学院退化生态系统植被恢复与管理重点实验室 主任

20104-至今 中国科学院华南植物园 生态及环境科学研究中心 研究员

20082-20104月 比利时鲁汶大学 生物学院 欧盟项目科学家

20063-20082月 美国哈佛大学 进化与生物学系 博士后

20063月 德国拜罗伊特大学 植物生态系 博士学位

20017月 中国农业大学 生物学院 硕士学位

19977月 江西农业大学 林学院 学士学位



 1. Liu H., Ye Q.*, Simpson KJ., Cui EQ. and Xia JY. (2022). Can evolutionary history predict plant plastic responses to climate change? New Phytologist, 235, 1260-1271.

2. He PC., Lian JY., Ye Q.*, Liu H., Zheng Y., Yu KL., Zhu SD., Li RH. and Yin DY. (2022). How do functional traits influence tree demographic properties in a subtropical monsoon forest? Functional Ecology, 36, 3200-3210.

3. Yin DY., Meiners SJ., Ni M., Ye Q., He FL. and Cadotte MW. (2022). Positive interactions of native species melt invasional meltdown over long-term plant succession. Ecology Letters, 25, 2584-2596.

4. Liu H., Ye Q.*, Gleason MS., He PC. and Yin DY. (2021). Weak tradeoff between xylem hydraulic efficiency and safety: climatic seasonality matters. New Phytologist, 229, 1440-1452.

5. Liang XY., Ye Q.*, Liu H. and Brodribb TJ. (2021). Wood density predicts mortality threshold for diverse trees. New Phytologist, 229, 3053-3057.

6. Zhang T., Liang XY. Ye Q.*, BassiriRad H., Liu H., He PC., Wu GL., Lu XK., Mo JM., Cai XA., Rao XQ., Yan JH. and Fu SL. (2021). Leaf hydraulic acclimation to nitrogen addition of two dominant tree species in a subtropical forest. Science of the Total Environment, 771, 145415.

7. Liang XY., Zhang T., Lu XK., Ellsworth DS., BassiriRad H., You CM., Wang D., He PC., Deng Q., Liu H., Mo JM. and Ye Q.* (2020). Global response patterns of plant photosynthesis to nitrogen addition: A meta-analysis. Global Change Biology, 26, 3585-3600.

8. He, PC., Gleason MS., Wright IJ., Weng ES., Liu H., Zhu SD., Lu MZ., Luo Q., Li RH., Wu GL., Yan ER., Song YJ., Mi XC., Hao GY., Reich PB., Wang YP., Ellsworth DS. and Ye Q.* (2020). Growing-season temperature and precipitation are independent drivers of global variation in xylem hydraulic conductivity. Global Change Biology, 26, 1833-1841.

9. Liu H., Ye Q. and Wiens JJ. (2020). Climatic-niche evolution follows similar rules in plants and animals. Nature Ecology & Evolution, 4, 753-763.

10. Hua L., He P., Goldstein G., Liu H., Yin D., Zhu SD. and Ye Q.* (2020). Linking vein properties to leaf biomechanics across 58 woody species from a subtropical forest. Plant Biology, 22, 212-220.

11. Liu H., Gleason MS., Hao GY., Hua L., He PC., Goldstein G. and Ye Q.* (2019). Hydraulic traits are coordinated with maximum plant height at the global scale. Science Advances, 5, eaav1332.


12. He PC., Wright IJ., Zhu SD., Onoda Y., Liu H., Li RH., Liu XR., Hua L., Oyanoghafo OO. and Ye Q.* (2019). Leaf mechanical strength and photosynthetic capacity vary independently across 57 subtropical forest species with contrasting light requirements. New Phytologist, 223, 607-618.

13. Liu H., Taylor HS., Xu QY., Lin YX., Hou H., Wu GL. and Ye Q.* (2019) Life history is a key factor explaining functional trait diversity among subtropical grasses, and its influence differs between C-3 and C-4 species. Journal of Experimental Botany, 70, 1567-1580.

14. Liang XY., He PC., Liu H., Zhu SD., Uyeharad KI., Hou H., Wu GL., Zhang H., You ZT., Xiao YY. and Ye Q.* (2019). Precipitation has dominant influences on the variation of plant hydraulics of the native Castanopsis fargesii (Fagaceae) in subtropical China. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 271, 83-91.

15. Liu, XR, Liu H., Gleason MS., Goldstein G., Zhu SD., He PC., Hou H., Li RH. and Ye Q.* (2019). Water transport from stem to stomata: the coordination of hydraulic and gas exchange traits across 33 subtropical woody species. Tree Physiology, 39, 1665-1674.

16. Zhang H., Chen HYH., Lian JY., John R., Li RH., Liu H., Ye WH., Berninger F. and Ye Q.* (2018). Using functional trait diversity patterns to disentangle the scale-dependent ecological processes in a subtropical forest. Functional Ecology, 32, 1379-1389.

17. Zhang H., John R., Zhu SD., Liu H., Xu QY., Wei Q., Liu K., Chen HYH. and Ye Q.* (2018). Shifts in functional trait-species abundance relationships over secondary subalpine meadow succession in the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau. Oecologia, 88, 547-557.

18. Zhu SD., He PC., Li RH., Fu SL. Lin YB., Zhou LX., Cao KF. and Ye Q.* (2018). Drought tolerance traits predict survival ratio of native tree species planted in a subtropical degraded hilly area in South China. Forest Ecology and Management, 418, 41-46.

19. Wu GL., Liu H., Hua L., Luo Q., Lin YX., He PC., Feng SW., Liu JX. and Ye Q.* (2018). Differential responses of stomata and photosynthesis to elevated temperature in two co-occurring subtropical forest tree species. Frontiers in Plant Science, 9, 467.

20. Liu H., Zhu LW., Xu QY., Lundgren MR., Yang KM., Zhao P. and Ye Q.* (2018). Ecophysiological responses of two closely related Magnoliaceae genera to seasonal changes in subtropical China. Journal of Plant Ecology, 11,434-444.

21. Liu H., Xu QY., Lundgren MR. and Ye Q.* (2017). Different water relations between flowering and leaf periods: a case study in flower-before-leaf-emergence Magnolia species. Functional Plant Biology, 44, 1098-1110.

22. Xu QY., Liu H. and Ye Q.* (2017). Intraspecific variability of ecophysiological traits of four Magnoliaceae species growing in two climatic regions in China. Plant Ecology, 218, 407-415.

23. Zhang H., Zhu SD., John R., Li RH., Liu H. and Ye Q.* (2017). Habitat filtering and exclusion of weak competitors jointly explain fern species assemblage along a light and water gradient. Scientific Reports, 7, 298.

24. Zhu SD., Liu H., Xu QY., Cao KF. and Ye Q.* (2016). Are leaves more vulnerable to cavitation than branches? Functional Ecology, 30, 1740-1744.

25. Liu H., Lundgren M., Freckleton R., Xu QY. and Ye Q.* (2016). Uncovering the spatio-temporal drivers of species trait variances: a case study of Magnoliaceae in China. Journal of Biogeography, 43, 1179-1191.

26. Zhu SD., Li RH., Song J., He PC., Liu H., Berninger F. and Ye Q.* (2016). Different leaf cost-benefit strategies of ferns distributed in contrasting light habitats of subtropical forests. Annals of Botany, 117, 497-506.

27. Li RH., Zhu SD., Chen HYH., John R., Zhou GY., Zhang DQ., Zhang QM. and Ye Q.* (2015). Are functional traits a good predictor of global change impacts on tree species abundance dynamics in a subtropical forest? Ecology Letters, 18, 1181-1189.

28. Liu H., Xu QY., He PC., Santiago LS., Yang KM. and Ye Q.* (2015). Strong phylogenetic signals and phylogenetic niche conservatism in ecophysiological traits across divergent lineages of Magnoliaceae. Scientific Reports, 5, 12246.

29. Qian ZJ., Song JJ., Chaumont F. and Ye Q.* (2015). Differential responses of plasma membrane aquaporins in mediating water transport of cucumber seedlings under osmotic and salt stresses. Plant, Cell & Environment, 38, 461-473.

30. Zhu SD., Chen YJ., Cao KF. and Ye Q.* (2015). Interspecific variation in branch and leaf traits among three Syzygium tree species from different successional tropical forests. Functional Plant Biology, 42,423-432.

31. Zhang W., Shen WJ., Zhu SD., Wan SQ., Luo YQ., Yan JH., Wang KY., Liu L., Dai HT., Li PX., Dai KY., Zhang WX., Liu ZF., Wang FM., Kuang YW., Li ZA., Lin YB., Rao XQ., Li J., Zou B., Cai XA., Mo JM., Zhao P., Ye Q., Huang JG. and Fu SL. (2015). Can canopy addition of nitrogen better illustrate the effect of atmospheric nitrogen deposition on forest ecosystem? Scientific Reports, 5, 11245.


32. Zhu SD., Song JJ., Li RH. and Ye Q.* (2013). Plant hydraulics and photosynthesis of 34 woody species from different successional stages of subtropical forests. Plant, Cell & Environment, 36, 879-891.

33. Yan JH., Li JM., Ye Q. and Li K. (2012). Concentrations and exports of solutes from surface runoff in Houzhai Karst Basin, southwest China. Chemical Geology, 304, 1-9.

34. Hachez C., Veselov D., Ye Q., Reinhardt H., Knipfer T., Fricke W. and Chaumont F. (2012). Short-term control of maize cell and root water permeability through plasma membrane aquaporin isoforms. Plant Cell & Environment, 35, 185-198.

35. Heinen R.#, Ye Q.# and Chaumont F. (2009). Role of aquaporins in leaf physiology. Journal of Experimental Botany, 60, 2971-2985 (#共同第一作者).

36. Moshelion M., Hachez C., Ye Q., Cavez D., Bajji M., Jung R. and Chaumont F. (2009). Membrane water permeability and aquaporin expression increase during growth of maize suspension cultured cells. Plant Cell & Environment, 32, 1334-1345.

37. Gorska A., Ye Q., Holbrook NM. and Zwieniecki MA. (2008). Nitrate control of root hydraulic properties in plants: translating local information to whole plant response. Plant Physiology, 148, 1159-1167.

38. Ye Q.*, Holbrook NM. and Zwieniecki MA. (2008). Cell-to-cell pathway dominates the xylem-epidermis hydraulic connection in Tradescantia fluminensis (Vell. Conc.) leaves. Planta, 227, 1311-1319.

39. Kim YM., Ye Q., Reinhardt H. and Steudle E. (2006). Further quantification of the role of internal unstirred layers during the measurement of transport coefficients in giant internodes of Chara by a new stop-flow technique. Journal of Experimental Botany, 57, 4133-4144.

40. Ye Q., Kim YM. and Steudle E. (2006). A re-examination of the role of unstirred layers (USLs) during the measurement of transport coefficients in Chara with the cell pressure probe: minor role of USLs. Plant Cell & Environment, 29, 964-980.

41. Ye Q. and Steudle E. (2006). Oxidative gating of water channels (aquaporins) in corn roots. Plant Cell & Environment, 29, 459-470.

42. Ye Q., Muhr J. and Steudle E. (2005). A cohesion/tension model for gating of aquaporins allows estimation of water channel pore volumes in Chara. Plant Cell & Environment, 28, 525-535.

43. Ye Q., Wiera B. and Steudle E. (2004). A cohesion/tension mechanism explains the gating of water channels (aquaporins) in Chara internodes by high concentration. Journal of Experimental Botany, 55, 449-461.

44. Henzler T., Ye Q. and Steudle E. (2004). Oxidative gating of water channels (aquaporins) in Chara by hydroxyl radicals. Plant Cell & Environment, 27, 1184-1195.


1. 国家杰出青年科学基金项目,31825005,植物生理生态,2019/01-2023/12    

2. 国家自然科学基金面上项目,31570405,不同气候带森林植物水分关系对大气氮沉降的响应及其调控机制,2016/01-2019/12

3. 中国科学院南海生态环境变化战略性科技先导A专项课题,XDA13020500,植被新建特色种选育及应用,2016/01-2020/12