职 称: | 助理研究员 |
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电子邮件: | zhaoxiuhua@scbg.ac.cn |
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2006/09-2010/06 山东农业大学 生物技术 泰安, 山东 学士 杨光
2010/09-2016/06 中科院华南植物园 生态学 广州, 广东 博士 赵平研究员
2012/02-2012/03 静冈大学农学院 b访问学习 静冈市,日本 硕士期间 王权教授
2016/07-2018/07 中科院华南植物园生态中心 广州, 广东 博士后 叶清,赵平研究员
2018/03-2018/06 The University of Auckland New Zealand 访问学者 Cate Macinnis-Ng 教授
2018/11-2020/12 The University of Auckland New Zealand 博士后 Cate Macinnis-Ng
2021/01-2021/07 The University of Auckland New Zealand 科研助理 Cate Macinnis-Ng
2. Zhao XH, Cranston B, Macinnis-Ng C (2020) Water relations of the southern conifer Agathis australis in a throughfall exclusion experiment. Acta Horticulturae.1300,73-80
3. Zhao XH, Zhao P, Zheng ZZ, Zhu LW, Hu YT, Ouyang L, Ni GY, Ye Q (2017) Culm age and rhizome affects night-time water recharge in the Bamboo Phyllostachys pubescens. Frontiers in Plant Science, https://doi.org/10.3389/fpls.2017.01928
4. Zhao XH, Zhao P, Zhang ZZ, Zhu LW, Niu JF, Ni GY, H YT, Ouyang L (2016) Sap flow-based transpiration in Phyllostachys pubescens: Applicability of the TDP methodology, age effect and rhizome role, Trees, 31:765-779
5. 赵秀华, 赵 平*, 朱丽薇, 倪广艳, 牛俊峰. 不同树高对荷木液流密度、整树蒸腾量和时滞的效应. 广西植物, 2015, 35(1): 53-60. 期刊论文
6. 赵秀华, 赵 平*, 周 娟, 张振振, 孙振伟, 钟文超. 热消散法(TDP)在5种竹子蒸腾耗水测定中的适用性评价. 热带亚热带植物学报, 2015, 23(5): 567-575. 期刊论文
7. Zhao XH, Cranston B. M, Hu Y, Zhao P, Zhu L, Wang Q, Cranston B. M, Kaplick J, Macinnis-Ng C (in review) Estimating carbon uptake by combining leaf isotope and transpiration. Forests
8. Cranston B. M, Zhao XH, Macinnis-Ng C (in review) Soil moisture mediates the response of sap flow to vapour pressure deficit in a southern conifer under throughfall exclusion. American Journal of Botany
9. Macinnis-Ng C, Zhao XH (in review) Women in Forest Science and Research. Forests
10. Zhang ZZ, Zhao P, Ouyang L, Zhao XH, Zhu LW, Ni GY (2021) Divergent responses of dominant forest tree species to manipulated canopy and understory N additions in terms of foliage stoichiometric, photosynthetic, and hydraulic traits. Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences. e2021JG006579
11. Hu YT, Schäfer K.V.R, Zhu LW, Zhao P, Zhao XH, Ni GY, Zhang YX, Ye HY, Zhao WL, Shen WJ, Fu SL (2021) Impacts of canopy and understory nitrogen additions on stomatal conductance and carbon assimilation of dominant tree species in a temperate broadleaved deciduous forest. Ecosystems, 28: 1-17
12. Chen X, Zhao P, Zhao XH, Wang Q, Ouyang L, Larjavaara M, Zhu LW, Ni GY (2021) Involvement of stem corticular photosynthesis in hydraulic maintenance of Eucalyptus trees and its effect on leaf gas exchange. Environmental and Experimental Botany, 186 (2021): 104451
13. Zhu LW, Hu YT, Zhao XH, Zhao P, Ouyang L, Ni GY, Liu N (2019) Specific responses of sap flux and leaf functional traits to simulated canopy and understory nitrogen additions in a deciduous broadleaf forest. Functional Plant Biology, 46 (11): 986-993
14. Hu YT, Zhao P, Huang YQ, Zhu LW, Ni GY, Zhao XH, Huang Z (2019) Hydrologic balance, net primary productivity and water use efficiency of the introduced exotic Eucalyptus grandis × Eucalyptus urophylla plantation in south-western China. Journal of Plant Ecology,12 (6): 982-992
15. Hu YT, Zhao P, Zhu LW, Zhao XH, Ni GY, Ouyang L, Karina V.R. Schafer, Shen WJ (2019) Responses of sap flux and intrinsic water use efficiency to canopy and understory nitrogen addition in a temperate broadleaved deciduous forest. Science of the Total Environment, 648: 325-336
16. Chen X, Zhao P , Hu YT, Zhao XH, Ouyang L, Zhu LW, Ni GY (2018)The sap flow-based assessment of atmospheric trace gas uptake by three forest types in subtropical China on different timescales. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 25 (28): 28431-28444
17. Zhang ZZ, Zhao P, Zhao XH, Zhou J, Zhao PQ, Zeng XM, Hu YT, Ouyang L (2018) The tree height‐related spatial variances of tree sap flux density and its scale‐up to stand transpiration in a subtropical evergreen broadleaf forest. Ecohydrology, DOI: 10.1002/eco.1979
18. Hu YT, Zhao P, Shen WJ, Zhu LW, Ni GY, Zhao XH, Zhang ZZ, Rao XQ, Ouyang L, Zeng XM, Sun D, Lin YB (2018) Responses of tree transpiration and growth to seasonal rainfall redistribution in a subtropical evergreen broad-Leaved forest. Ecosystems, 21(4):811-826
19. Ouyang L, Zhao P, Zhou GS, Zhu LW, Huang YQ, Zhao XH, Ni GY (2018) Stand-scale transpiration of a Eucalyptus urophylla ´ E. grandis plantation and its potential hydrological implication. Ecohydrology, doi.org/10.1002/eco.1938
20. Zhang ZZ, Zhou J, Zhao XH, Zhao P, Zhu LW, Ouyang L, Ni GY (2017) Maximised photosynthetic capacity and dereased hydraulic failure risk during aging in the clump bamboo, Bambusa chungii. Functional Plant Biology, 44: 785-794
21. Zhang ZZ, Zhou J, Zhao P, Zhao XH, Zhu LW, Ouyang L, Ni GY (2017) Validation and in suit application of a modified thermal dissipation probe for evaluating standing water use of a clumped bamboo: Bambusa chungii. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 239:15-23
22. Zhu LW, Hu YT, Zhao XH, Zeng XM, Zhao P, Zhang ZZ, Ju YX (2017) The impact of drought on sap flow of co-occurring Liquidambar formosana Hance and Quercus variabilis Blume in a temperate forest, Central China. Ecohydrology, doi.org/10.1002/eco.1828
23. Ouyang L, Zhao P, Zhu LW, Zhang ZZ, Zhao XH, Ni GY (2016) Difference in response of water use to evaporative demand for co-dominant diffuse-porous vs. ring-porous tree species under N addition in a temperate forest. Ecohydrology, doi.org/10.1002/eco.1829
24. Niu JF, Zhao P, Sun ZW, Zhu LW, Ni GY, Zeng XP, Zhang ZZ, Zhao XH, Zhao PQ, Gao JG, Hu YT, Zeng XM, Ouyang L (2016) Stomatal uptake of O3 in a Schima superba plantation in subtropical China derived from sap flow measurements. Science of the Total Environment, 545(546): 465-475
25. Zhang ZZ, Zhao P, McCarthy HR, Zhao XH, Niu JF, Zhu LW, Ni GY, Ouyang L, Hu YT (2016) Influence of the decoupling degree on the estimation of canopy stomatal conductance for two broadleaf tree species. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 221:230-241
26. Ni GY, Zhao P, Zhu LW, Niu JF, Zhao XH, Zeng XP (2015) Hydraulic responses of whole tree transpiration of Schima superba to soil moisture in dry and wet seasons. Acta Ecologica Sinica, 35(3): 652-662
27. Zhu LW, Zhao P, Wang Q, Ni GY, Niu JF, Zhao XH, Zhang ZZ, Zhao PQ, Gao JG, Huang YQ, Gu DX, Zhang ZF (2015) Stomatal and hydraulic conductance and water use in a eucalypt plantation in Guangxi, southern China. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 202: 61-68
28. Zhao XH, Zhao P, Zhou J, Zhang ZZ, Sun ZW, Zhong WC (2015) Applicability Evaluation of Transpiration of Five Bamboo Species by Using TDP (Thermal Dissipation Probe) Method, Journal of Tropical and Subtropical Botany, 23(5):567-575
29. Zhao XH, Zhao P, Zhu LW, Ni GY, Niu JF (2015) Efects of tree height on sap -tree transpiration and time lag of Schima superba. Guihaia, 35(1):53-60
30. 张振振, 赵平*, 赵秀华, 张锦秀, 朱丽薇, 欧阳磊, 张笑颜 (2018). 环境因子对常绿阔叶树种脱耦联系数及冠层气孔导度估算的影响. 植物生态学报,42, 1179–1191. 期刊论文
31. 朱丽薇, 赵秀华, 胡彦婷, 张振振, 孙振伟, 周娟, 赵平*, 琚煜熙 (2017).气候过渡区环孔材和散孔材树种的水分利用特征. 生态科学 36 (3)1-7. 期刊论文
32. 曾小敏, 赵平*, 欧阳磊, 朱丽薇, 倪广艳, 赵秀华 (2017). 荷木对干湿季土壤水分的利用和适应性调节. 热带亚热带植物学报 ,25(2): 105-114. 期刊论文
33. 倪广艳, 赵平, 朱丽薇, 牛俊峰, 赵秀华, 曾小平. 荷木整树蒸腾对干湿季土壤水分的水力响应. 生态学报. 2015;35(3):652-62.
2.奥克兰大学学院研究发展基金.Forest carbon cycles in a drying climate-crossing ecosystems and climatic zones, 11/2018-12/2020, 资助金额:16.8万新西兰元,主负责人
3. 国家自然科学基金重点项目. 生物驱动的森林冠层水汽通量对全球变化因子响应的研究,2017/01-2021/12,资助金额:290万+间接经费,参加
4. 国家自然科学基金面上项目. 应用热消散和热平衡的液流测定方法估测竹林的水分利用,2012/01-2015/12,资助金额:57万元+间接经费,主负责人