职 称: 陈焕镛副研究员
邮 编:
专家类别: 中级
电子邮件: luoxz@scbg.ac.cn
通讯地址: 广州市天河区兴科路723号

2010.9-2014.6  湖北科技学院            生物科学

2014.7-2017.6  贵州大学                环境科学

2017.9-2020.6  中国科学院华南植物园    生态学

2020.7-2022.4  中国科学院华南植物园    博士后


本人的主要研究方向为陆地森林生态系统的生物地球化学循环研究。通过运用土壤学、森林生态学和地球科学研究基础知识,结合相关的实验方法和生物统计学分析,探究了陆地生态系统CO2 浓度升高、氮沉降和林地转换对陆地生态系统碳氮磷循环的生物过程的影响及其机制。作为申请人主持了博士后基金和省青年基金2 项。发表第一作或共同第一学术论文14 篇,其中发表在主流SCI 期刊论文9篇,在生态学报等中文期刊发表论文5 篇。


(1) Luo, X.Z., Hou, E.Q., Zhang, L.L., He, X.J., Wen, D.Z.* 2022. Changes in the composition of soil microbial communities and their carbon-cycle genes following the conversion of primary broadleaf forests to plantations and secondary forests. Land Degradation and Development, 33(6), 974985. (IF2020: 4.977, JCR 一区)

(2) Xiang, H.M. # , Luo, X.Z. # , Zhang, L.L., Hou, E.Q., Li, J., Zhu, Q.D., Wen, D.Z.* 2022. Forest succession accelerates soil carbon accumulation by increasing recalcitrant carbon pools in the surface soil of subtropical forests. Catena, 212, 106030. (IF2020: 5.198, JCR 一区)

(3) Zang, X.W. # , Luo, X.Z.# , Hou, E.Q., Zhang, G.H., Zhang, X.F., Xiao, M.J., Wen, D.Z., Zhang,L.L.* 2022. Effects of elevated CO2 concentration and nitrogen addition on the chemical compositions, construction cost, and payback time of subtropical trees in Cd-contaminated mesocosm soil. Tree Physiology, 0, 1-14. (IF2020: 4.196, JCR 一区)

(4) Zhang, L.L.# , Luo, X.Z.# , Lambers, H., Zhang, G.H., Liu, N., Zang, X.W., Xiao, M.J., Wen,D.Z.* 2021. Effects of elevated CO2 concentration and nitrogen addition on foliarphosphorus fractions of Mikania micranatha and Chromolaena odorata under low phosphorus availability. Physiologia Plantarum, 173, 2068-2080. (IF2020: 4.50, JCR 一区)

(5) Luo, X.Z., Hou, E.Q., Chen, J.Q., Li, J., Zhang, L.L., Zang, X.W., Wen, D.Z.* 2020. Dynamics of carbon, nitrogen, and phosphorus stocks and stoichiometry resulting from conversion of primary broadleaf forest to plantation and secondary forest in subtropical China. Catena,193, 104606. (IF2020: 5.198, JCR 一区)

(6) Luo, X.Z., Hou, E.Q., Zhang, L.L., Wen, D.Z.* 2020. Soil carbon dynamics in different types of subtropical forests as determined by density fractionation and stable isotope analysis. Forest Ecology and Management, 475, 118401. (IF2020: 3.558, JCR 一区)

(7) Luo, X.Z., Hou, E.Q., Zhang, L.L., Zang, X.W., Yi, Y.F., Wen, D.Z.* 2019. Effects of forest conversion on carbon-degrading enzyme activities in subtropical China. Science of the Total Environment, 696, 133968. (IF2019: 6.551, JCR 一区)

(8) Luo, X.Z.# , Hou, E.Q.# , Zang, X.W., Zhang L.L., Yi Y.F., Wen, D.Z.* 2019. Effects of elevated atmospheric CO2 and nitrogen deposition on leaf litter and soil carbon degrading enzyme activities in a Cd-contaminated environment: A mesocosm study. Science of the Total Environment, 671, 157-164. (IF2019: 6.551, JCR 一区)

(9) Luo, X.Z., Zhong, S.M., Xiong, Y.X. * , Cao, W. 2017. Trachyloma indicum var. obtusifolium Y.- X. Xiong & X. - Z. Luo (Pterobryaceae), a new moss variety from southwestern China.Journal of Bryology, 39, 204-207. (IF2017: 1.079, JCR 三区)

(10) 罗先真熊源新夏欣等.环境因子对湖泊岛屿苔藓植物分布和物种组成的影响.生态学报, 2017, 37(7)2352-2359.

(11) 罗先真熊源新曹威水淹对消落带水生苔藓植物优势种生理生态特征的影响及耐水淹评价热带亚热带植物学报,2017, 25(1): 65-72.

(12) 罗先真熊源新曹威月亮山自然保护区苔藓植物垂直分布初步研究广西植物,2016, 36(8): 1008-1013.

(13) 罗先真熊源新曹威贵州思南四野屯自然保护区苔藓植物的多样性贵州农业科学, 2015, 43(8):17-20.

(14) 罗先真蔡朝晖郑斌苦菜的繁育技术初探湖北农业科学, 2014, 53(1):93-96.


(1)  南亚热带典型森林土壤团聚体有机碳变化及微生物机制广东省基础与应用基础基金-青年基金项目(2021A1515110837, 2021.10-2024.910 万;

(2) 南亚热带典型森林土壤有机碳的稳定机制,博士后面上基金( 2020M682950),2020.10-2022.6